Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yahoo Pool's New Years Resolution

So its no secret that I've been around yahoo pool for a long time and it is also no secret that yahoo pool seems to be fading away slowly but surely. The quality of the game has been diminished with all the ways to cheat and so many things that have changed for the worse in pool. I feel there are a couple of things yahoo can do to reverse the downward slide even if its only temporary

So for the new year I propose to yahoo they do some if not all of these.

1. This is the most important aspect to yahoo pool and I feel was the beggining of the end. Return the old Yahoo Pool tables!!!!! (it was the number one rated game on yahoo until they changed it) I know its possible because Japan pool has them! ffs im tired of the changing cue shadows and having to readjust how to aim on long shots we need some consistency! It also helps when the game doesnt look like the cue was drawn on paint. (who knows it might even make the new aimers obsolete until they figure it out again)

2. There are far too many rooms for how many people currently play pool, quality over quantity people. lets remove some rooms and we will see more activity in larger numbers.

3. Bring back the Yahoo Rung Ladder.

4. Give us free 9 ball like the Japan players.

5. Yahoo could probably make more money off of working with myleague then forcing us to pay for an allstar.

Now ofcourse this is only a wish list but its nice to think about the possibility of yahoo pool improving.


Droppin said...

Hell yeah! I could not agree more.

Lewis said...

I love yahoo japan with their spastically huge tables <3

MrJHarrod said...

I agree with EVERYTHING. Please can we get this in motion to Yahoo?

[-CK-] said...

Maybe we should all just move to Japan since they seem to know how to live properly.

PS: Stop talking about interleagues, no one gives a shit.
