Friday, March 19, 2010

8brcam Finals!

What a way to start off the new year. These two finalist have met up before in a grueling shootout which was decided by an early 8 that was almost rr'd then not. A race that is forever tainted because of one moment.

Ant vs CK

the first time around their roles were reveresed. CK the heavy favorite which looked like the long time pooler was finally going to get his first win against the new up and comer Ant. Now its 2010 and CK is still chasing that elusive first 8brcam title the season after Stu finally got his first. Ant is looking to capture his 3rd 8brcam win and is playing strong reaching finals as #1 seed, something only a handful have been able to do and finish.

This time Ant is a heavy favorite considering what happened earlier in 8brcam. Ant is already 1-0 on CK in the season. Both players are coming off of strong performances in semis and are both doing well in UCC.

The winner of this finals can almost be viewed as a 2 time 8brcam winner putting the what if's to rest that were left from their first finals meeting.

Ant has since proved he was no fluke, as many thought he could be, being one of the most successful players to ever play in 8brcam. CK now reaches his 3rd finals where hes had trouble in 8brcam going 0-2 however in every other cam comp he seems to thrive in the position. Will this be the season his mental block comes down or will Ant continue to be a consistent all time great and win his 3rd in 4 finals.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Interleague Archives

So as time passes by people generally forget these games, as did I, but luckily enough I had them saved in my email. I will be uploading some more videos from time to time, if anyone has any meaningul matches in interleagues send them my way and If I like them I might give you some glory too ;)

This particular tape is Game 7 DP vs BBM 2 or 3 seasons after I left bbm as captain. The score was 3-3 and it was myself up against kidfromperu(walter)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yahoo Pool's New Years Resolution

So its no secret that I've been around yahoo pool for a long time and it is also no secret that yahoo pool seems to be fading away slowly but surely. The quality of the game has been diminished with all the ways to cheat and so many things that have changed for the worse in pool. I feel there are a couple of things yahoo can do to reverse the downward slide even if its only temporary

So for the new year I propose to yahoo they do some if not all of these.

1. This is the most important aspect to yahoo pool and I feel was the beggining of the end. Return the old Yahoo Pool tables!!!!! (it was the number one rated game on yahoo until they changed it) I know its possible because Japan pool has them! ffs im tired of the changing cue shadows and having to readjust how to aim on long shots we need some consistency! It also helps when the game doesnt look like the cue was drawn on paint. (who knows it might even make the new aimers obsolete until they figure it out again)

2. There are far too many rooms for how many people currently play pool, quality over quantity people. lets remove some rooms and we will see more activity in larger numbers.

3. Bring back the Yahoo Rung Ladder.

4. Give us free 9 ball like the Japan players.

5. Yahoo could probably make more money off of working with myleague then forcing us to pay for an allstar.

Now ofcourse this is only a wish list but its nice to think about the possibility of yahoo pool improving.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pro is off to an amazing start

Well I havent even played one game in pro yet and im already annoyed at how they are running the league. One would think it was obvious when you let a spanish league in that there is going to be spanish players that speak spanish. Its even another thing when the head admin warns you in advance that some players dont even know english.

Jack DX: I got a few complaints from SPS

Jack DX: 1) tell ur players to only speak in english

Jack DX: 2) be more polite, quit makin fun of people

Jack DX: 3) show some more respect to the td
I wonder if jack wants to teach them english himself.
Or maybe Pete can since spanish obviously means coaching to him. (even if the player who is playing doesnt speak spanish (andy) LoL)
bunch of morons.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Thanks to CK / A New Year


I almost forgot to add my motivation for last years 8brcam victories!
lu ck
no homo

Now with that said I feel like I will be shifting my focus from cam comps back to interleagues.

I didnt really explore too many options for my first team as most teams have somebody or something that I would not allow myself to be on a team with. My first real option was lpl and thats about as much as I thought it through. I dont anticipate playing too much pool this year so it will be interesting to see how well I will be able to play and if I will be able to contribute positively to the team.

For now I will be enjoying my stay with lpl for the foreseeable future until I either create a league or something that happens in lpl causes me to leave.

Anyone interested in Racing me can contact me for lpl races.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Daily Conversations Part 1: Damnit Andy!

MJ: ::whistle smiey::
MJ: wanna race
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: doing a bunch of things at once

Talk with C.K.
[MJ:Pastes the conversation with Andy to C.K.:
!ChRiS KaReN!: andy will be a robot towards it, feel it
MJ: ::laughing smiley::
!ChRiS KaReN!: ::laughing smiley::
MJ: wonder if it gets ignored
!ChRiS KaReN!: id be ok with it and classify it as robotic
MJ: na, then u have to change the term. Cuz its too vague
!ChRiS KaReN!: ::laugh smiley::
!ChRiS KaReN!: nah man
MJ: to
!ChRiS KaReN!: its perfect
MJ: na man
MJ: u have to be a special kind of high, for it to be perfect
!ChRiS KaReN!: like gonna say if he doesnt reply hes actin very inhumane
MJ: or very humane by knowin hed get annoyed and not respond
!ChRiS KaReN!: wonder
!ChRiS KaReN!: if he responded].....exactly after CK finished Andy and I resume our conversation)
MJ: sooooo
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: kinda angry atpool lol
MJ: damn andy
MJ: u just lost me the bet
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: lmao
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: what bet lol?
(I show andy the conversation)
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: lmao
o0o_striker_of_death_o0o: i hate the both of you
MJ: ::laugh smley::

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

U.C.C. Rookiessss part 2

So nick wanted to put this on his status

"lawl at the edited lines in ucc post"

I didnt wanna do this but now the whole truth will get revealed

MJ (12/16/2009 12:48:43 AM): i like how it bothered u enough
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:48:45 AM): and u know it
MJ (12/16/2009 12:48:45 AM): to come back in
MJ (12/16/2009 12:48:49 AM): u big bad ass u
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:48:52 AM): it didn't bother me at all
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:00 AM): i would tell u why
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:03 AM): but you wouldn't understand
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:05 AM): its big kid lingo
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:07 AM): sorry bud
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:11 AM): ur lucky ur smart
MJ (12/16/2009 12:49:14 AM): arent u suppose to be studying
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:16 AM): otherwise she wouldn't be playing pool for a whlie
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:32 AM): especially around amu
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:36 AM): her charrished little league
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:40 AM): give me a break
MJ (12/16/2009 12:49:44 AM): maybe u should spell cherish right
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:54 AM): lol
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:55 AM): thanks
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:49:59 AM): im glad ur a spelling wiz
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:08 AM): i thought i wouldnt understand big kid lingo
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:09 AM): adds another thing to your list of "better than everyone else at"
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:11 AM): ur so smart
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:16 AM): lol thats why im in collegr
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:19 AM): and ur sittin around
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:21 AM): doin fucking nothin
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:25 AM): with ur nameless ypool life
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:26 AM): lol
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:28 AM): tellin people ur god
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:30 AM): i have my own house
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:32 AM): just wait til i own u
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:33 AM): what do u have in ur name
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:40 AM): this is gonna be funny
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:48 AM): ur a rookie
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:50 AM): get real
MJ (12/16/2009 12:50:53 AM): ur lucky to get 3 wins on me
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:50:54 AM): lol @ rook
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:01 AM): even if i hardly play now
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:01 AM): not even close
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:06 AM): dont worry kid
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:07 AM): ull c
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:07 AM): thats what timm said,
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:08 AM): and tim sucks
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:14 AM): ur the same
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:17 AM): craig said u suck
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:19 AM): and thats craig
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:20 AM): come on now
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:23 AM): craigs never beat me
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:23 AM): u must be pathetic
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:27 AM): lol bs
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:31 AM): craig cums in ur mouth
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:32 AM): u twat
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:35 AM): lol sure
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:38 AM): and craig sucks
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:41 AM): i beat him everytime we ever played
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:49 AM): its not hard
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:52 AM): to go 3-0-0 in ucc
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:55 AM): get good
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:56 AM): and win 8brcam
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:51:59 AM): lol @ get good
MJ (12/16/2009 12:51:59 AM): then when u think ur good
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:07 AM): and u wanna get as good as me
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:08 AM): win 3 8brcams
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:10 AM): and a ucc

nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:16 AM): lol ok bud
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:16 AM): while holding a full time job
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:23 AM): i come online to play cam sets
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:24 AM): mcdonalds won't hold it against u
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:25 AM): and beat u no lifers
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:26 AM): to play ypool
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:26 AM): bro
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:27 AM): get a life
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:29 AM): cuz its fun watchin u all moan
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:30 AM): thanks take care
MJ (12/16/2009 12:52:30 AM): after u lose
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:52:32 AM): u fuckin bitch
nick_ownzz(12/16/2009 12:53:30 AM: Im sorry man please dont beat me too bad, i take it all back ur my master and I will submit to your every command because i enjoy the gay side of life and your all ive ever wanted and that is why i am being so volatile towards your greatness.
MJ (12/16/2009 12:53:52 AM: no thx, i like women
nick_ownzz(12/16/2009 12:54:24 AM: well have you ever tried it?
MJ (12/16/2009 12:54:30 AM: I dont think someone can try being gay, someone can try ice cream but no one trys dick without a long lasting terrible life moment. now please leave me alone as I am grossed out by ur flirtation.
nick_ownzz (12/16/2009 12:54:36 AM: alright babes please call me if u change ur mind